2022.02至今 yL23411永利官网登录管理科学系,管理学讲师;
2014.11-2022.02 yL23411永利官网登录文学院中英文秘书教研室,管理学讲师
1. 主持广东省基础与应用基础研究青年项目:《新型政商关系的理论内涵、多维结构及其对民营企业的微观影响机制》(2022A1515110539), 2022.10-2025.09;
2. 主持广东省哲学社会科学地方历史文化特色项目:《雷州青年运河的峥嵘岁月与现代价值》(GD15DL14), 2015.12-2018.11;
3. 主持yL23411永利官网登录教学质量工程教学改革课题《“向学而教”视角下的大学课堂改革》(教学〔2016〕78号),2017.01-2020.01;
4. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目《中国家族企业职业经理的双重代表性及其影响》(71372144),2014.1-2017.12;
[1] Peng, C., Tang, Y., Han, Y., Zhou, X., & Xu, W. (2024). Managing legitimacy in tourism: a novel perspective on how destination social responsibility influences residents’ environmentally responsible behavior. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1-16. (SSCI, Q2, IF:5.0)
[2] Xu, W., Peng, Z., Feng, Z., & Peng, C. (2024). The impact of government digital attention on enterprise digital transformation: empirical insights from China. Applied Economics Letters, 1-6. (SSCI, Q3, IF:1.6, Corresponding author)
[3] Xu, W., Ma, H., Peng, Z., Peng, C., & Qian, X. (2024). Comply or evade: factors influencing private enterprises’ basic old-age insurance responsibilities. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1300490. (SSCI, Q1, IF:5.2, Corresponding author)
[4] Chen Y, Peng Z, Peng C, Xu W. (2023). Impact of new government–business relations on urban digital economy: Empirical evidence from China[J]. Finance Research Letters, 58: 104325. (SSCI, Q1, IF:10.4, Corresponding author)
[5] Liu, P., Ma, Y., Li, X., Peng, C., & Li, Y. (2022). The antecedents of customer mistreatment: a meta-analytic review. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(8), 3162-3200. (SSCI, Q1, IF:11.1)
[6] Peng, C., Tu, M. H., & Wang, L. (2021). Understanding Deviance Spillover in Organizations. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2021, No. 1, p. 14372). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
[7] Xie, J., Peng, C., Wang, L., & Chu, X. Supervisor-Subordinate Guanxi and Managers’Feedback- seeking Behavior: A New Look at Psychological Expectations and Political Skill. Naikai Business Review International. 2014, 5:147-161. (Corresponding author)
[8] Peng, C. Huang, J., & Chu, X. Will Abusive Supervision Necessarily Lead to Employee Workplace Deviance? The Moderating Role of Supervisor’s Organizational Embodiment and Employee’s Perspective Taking. The Sixth Biennial IACMR Conference. 2014.
[9] Peng, C. Silence Is Golden or Not: The Mediate Relation of LMX between Employee Silence and Job Performance. The 5th International Asia Conference on IEMI 2014.
[10]汪林,储小平,彭草蝶,岳磊.家族角色日常互动对家长式领导发展的溢出机制研究——基于家族企业高管团队日志追踪的经验证据[J].管理世界,2020,36(08):98-110.(CSSCI, FMS:T1, AMI顶级, 通讯作者)
[12]彭草蝶,黄嘉欣. 美的集团:组织结构变革的曲折路径.第4章92-120;彭草蝶,黄嘉欣,地产双雄:民营家族企业的管理控制链变革. 第7章162-186. 储小平,黄嘉欣,汪林,谢俊. 变革演绎三十年-广东民营家族企业组织变革历程. 2012.社会科学文献出版社.
The 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2021.
The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2019.
The Sixth Biennial IACMR Conference. 2014.
The 5th International Asia Conference on IEMI, 2014.
第十五届创业与家族企业国际研讨会, 2019.
第六届中国管理研究国际学会年会(IACMR), 2014.
第九届创业与家族企业国际研讨会, 2013.
[1]汪林,储小平,彭草蝶 & 岳磊.(2020).家族角色日常互动对家长式领导发展的溢出机制研究——基于家族企业高管团队日志追踪的经验证据. 管理世界(08),98-110. (CSSCI, FMS:T1, AMI顶级, 通讯作者)
[2] Chen Y, Peng Z, Peng C, Xu W. Impact of new government–business relations on urban digital economy: Empirical evidence from China[J]. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 58: 104325. (SSCI, Q1, IF:10.4, Corresponding author)
[3] Peng, C., Tang, Y., Han, Y., Zhou, X., & Xu, W. (2024). Managing legitimacy in tourism: a novel perspective on how destination social responsibility influences residents’ environmentally responsible behavior. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1-16. (SSCI, Q2, IF:5.0)
《管理世界》2020年度优秀论文, 2021.
yL23411永利官网登录“优秀班主任”,2021, 2022.
学生“三下乡”实践活动 “优秀指导老师”, 2016, 2023.